Monday, November 9, 2009

Family Living: First Family Photos!

We took our first family photos at the Old Mill Saturday. Our dear friend, Jessica McSpadden, spent her Saturday afternoon being the best photog in the world. Thanks Jessica! These are pics of just the human part of the family, the furry kids are not fans of the camera! Our little Violet is growing so fast. Check out her cowgirl boots Grammie and Popi got her!!! They are..heelarious. Of course, just when things were getting warmed up, our little gal fell asleep. She had a surge at the end of the shoot, just in time for some more cute pics, of her! We will also have some black and white pics to share soon. Love to all!

Sweet kisses.

I get lots of kisses!

Like my cowgirl boots?

Violet's favorite pose of the day.

Got a smile for Mom?

Violet's new favorite pacifier..her hands!

Mom, no more pictures..please!!!

After my dinner! Sure, take a few more pics Auntie Jessica!

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